About Me

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I love spending a lot of time with myself and to me, the best places to hang around with friends are coffee-shops. yes, am addicted to chai and coffee. Four things I can't do without- Dreams, Hopes, a sound sleep nd positivity around ! :)offcourse, they can't replace family and friends :) Despite all the good the world seems to offer, true happiness can only be found in one thing - Shopping!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Smile : )

Smile – a very simple thing yet very powerful.  Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day : )

You must have noticed that we really don’t appreciate those who don’t smile back at us. An answer to a smile should always be a smile. It’s inexpensive, doesn’t take much of your time and energy but to add to it, makes you look beautiful and the other person also feels better : ) Still I don’t understand why some people don’t smile back.

A smile leads to happiness just as happiness leads to a smile. A smile can do wonders. Its comforts the other person and assures him/her that you’re approachable. It makes you look happy, confident and self-assured. No, I am not saying that there should be a smile on your face 24*7. There’re situations in life when smiling is not appropriate and we very well know when to smile and when not.

It is very easy for people to differentiate between a genuine and a fake smile. A genuine smile is effortless : ) For a fake one, you do have to make efforts in stretching your muscles. But trust me, smile and see : ) it isn’t a very tiring exercise.

I read it somewhere – when a photograph where smiling for 5 seconds can make you look good, imagine how beautiful you would look if you make it a habit : )

Use smiles to bring yourself and those around you more joy, happiness and success.
Have a happy weekend! : ) Keep Smiling! : ) 


komal said...

Superlyk astha....very impressive.

Astha Mehta said...

Thanks Komal :) Am glad you liked it !