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I love spending a lot of time with myself and to me, the best places to hang around with friends are coffee-shops. yes, am addicted to chai and coffee. Four things I can't do without- Dreams, Hopes, a sound sleep nd positivity around ! :)offcourse, they can't replace family and friends :) Despite all the good the world seems to offer, true happiness can only be found in one thing - Shopping!

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Mayans predicted the end of civilization on this Christmas. They were right. We can’t call ourselves civilized  We are a country of animals who so not believe that a woman is very much a human being, she too has a right to life. It's not just another incident, it's a trend our country is following. Where people were protesting against this incident in various parts of the country and demanding death sentence for the Rapists – another woman got raped by three men and was thrown somewhere in South Delhi after being raped. Right to Life – the basis of all other rights – Does our Government know that? I doubt. Their funda is ‘hear nothing, speak nothing and say nothing’. It’s a government of the people and by the people – we chose them. It’s a government for the people – it promotes rape. It’s not anybody’s failure. It’s our failure. Why are we blaming others? Putting a black dot of shame on profile pictures will not help. We need to take things more seriously. We brought this government into power. We will again bring them into power. We have women like Sonia Gandhi to take care of our nation. The woman who never broke her silence on any such incident and our Prime Minister – if you see him on Television, you will not be able to distinguish between his video and photo. He finally broke his maun vrat and said “for us to ensure that her death will not have been in vain”. Does that mean a person has to die to get justice else he/she will not be heard. Yes – for justice in India – first of all you have to die and then your soul has to wait for years until your criminal is sentenced to death. In our country, the victim is left to die and the criminals are fed in the jails. As long as we have such people in power – these incidents will never stop. Why are we just angry over Damini’s death? There are so many Daminis who die every day. There are so many of them who suffer in silence. So many cases go unreported. Doctors said 'she died peacefully'. Would you call it a peaceful death or a painful death? 

Our police is always sleeping when such a crime is taking place anywhere but becomes active when people start demanding justice by way of protests. The innocent protestors are driven away by force, tear gas is used on them, lathi blows are given to them. We should be so proud of our nation. We talk about culture and values – What do we call our culture? RAPE CULTURE. You can get raped but you can't protest against rape. This is world's largest democracy. 

The only solution that the government has is telling woman not to step out. They wouldn’t do anything about the safety and security of women. Rather these are the incidents where people or politicians in making try to gain popularity. They call the masses protesting as women coming ‘dented and painted’ who go from discos to demonstrations. They say – Candle march is a new fashion. Some say - Women should surrender because at least it would save their intestine. Some say – Dress up properly, don't tempt men. But then why are women wearing suits covering them from head to toe are raped. Where is it mentioned that women who dress in an attractive way or go to discos or go watch movies have less human rights available to them.  Where is it mentioned that women who are modern do not care about their modesty and give an invitation to men to rape them. Educated or uneducated, modern or conservative, attractive or not so attractive, high class or middle class, of any age has a right to step out of her house without the fear of violence. People who make such lame statements are the abettors. They too should be given the same punishment as rapists. Right of private defence is available to us but how easy it is for a woman to attack six men raping her. Women aren’t physically that strong.

Well, everyone is asking for death sentence for such rapists but I think death sentence isn't going to create any fear in the minds of such anti-social animals. It will be an easy death to such animals who don't fear anything. They need mind cleansing. All we can do is make arrangements for the safety and security for everyone and everyone includes everyone - women, children and men too! Little things will make a lot of difference like
1. Women and children should be dropped till their house. 
2. No woman should be asked to stay at the workplace beyond her working hours. 
3. Police should change its behaviour - they are the ones we fear more so we don't approach them whenever we face any such incident of eve-teasing. Half of the rapes take place in police custody by the policemen. The way police officers behave should be really checked. 
4. Everyone should respect women because our kids are going to learn from what we teach them. If we do not show respect for our fellow beings then they will never.
5. Keep a pepper spray with you.
6. Inform your parents when going out late at night. If you tell parents that you have to attend a party and you would get late - they understand. My parents do. Parents don't have a problem if you go for night outs - all they are worried about is your safety. Avoid taking autos. Cabs are much safer (That's what I feel). Note down the number and send it to your sibling/friend/parents. Keep their number on speed dial.

and yeah, totally irrelevant to mention here but I would - there's no such thing as peer pressure - Do not drink or smoke if you don't feel like - just because your friends do it - nobody can force you to take up things you don't want to - they would still accept you and they would still love you. Going to Clubs doesn't mean you have to take up drinking and smoking - you have a choice and choice means that it's going to be your decision. 

I would call these people animals and not human but then even we are at fault. We too should act responsible. Because Govt. will not be affected. It's our life which will be ruined. It’s not bad to get westernised. But westernisation means adopting good things from the western culture. I was never a supporter of live-in relationships. Our country did promote live-in relationships where half of them result in sexual violence and men are free to walk out any time they feel like. A man who loves you wouldn’t mind taking out a day from his busy schedule to get married to you. There are so many other things that are not working out for a nation like ours. 

Shame on all of us who be a witness to eve-teasing and other such incidents and do nothing at that moment to  help women. We are to be blamed equally. We promote these animals. It’s a wake up call for our government and for us too. Otherwise female infanticide would again be the only option for parents as this will be the only way to protect their daughters. Hope our government wakes up soon. But till then we should take measures for our own safety. Such trauma can never be undone. The one who faces it, knows better than all of us. The girl has not died. She has gone to another place where she'll be safe and never be raped again.

Hope 2013 and all the coming years bring with it safety and security of all the citizens.
Wish you all a happy and a safe new year! May you and your loved ones be showered with lots of love and happiness. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

They say - Dress properly. Don’t tempt men.

Are we waiting for a super-hero to save us?
A batman or spiderman or our very own bollywood’s creation - Krishh.

We need to wake up.
No one will come to rescue us.

It’s not a bollywood movie going on where villains are raping the heroine.
Someone’s life is at stake.

Every time a heinous crime like gang rape is reported, we sit in front of the TV whole day. That has not helped so far in any way. We need to raise our voice. Why? Because anyone of us can be the next victim.

Candle march for 2-3 days after such an incident takes place isn't going to prevent crime. We should fight till we get justice. Show these so called men that we aren't the weaker sex - No means No. 

And yeah, carry Pepper Spray. Learn to hit them real hard. 

They say - Dress properly. Don’t tempt men.
Learn to dress properly. Rape will decline. And what not.

People get punished for writing status messages on facebook but not for making such statements. We live in a country where we have freedom of speech and expression. Complete freedom with no restrictions is only given to people who run our country. They can say whatever they want to - be it right or wrong. 

They need to be told that no matter what women wear, women don’t deserve to be raped.

A woman’s skirt is not an invitation for a man to rape her.

When a four year old is raped in our country, who do we blame – her clothes? Is it because a four year old was not decently dressed?
Don’t tell me that women who wear salwar suits are not raped.

The problem isn’t with what women wear. The problem is with what lies inside a human brain. The dirty human mind full of ugly thoughts which become his actions – the shameful actions.

When you cannot justify your behaviour then blame women for wearing improper clothes but never blame these men for having done such disgraceful act because he a man and he can do whatever he wants to. After all, it’s a man’s world.

You really want to know who is at fault – The parents who brought them up, The teachers who taught them and The friends who encouraged them. You people are abettors.

Making laws stringent will not help. We already have laws.
A law cannot do mind cleansing. A law cannot teach you values. A law cannot teach you to respect women.

It’s never too late to stand up for what is right.
Hope justice prevails and the victim survives.