This word created magic and some happy moments for me so I decided to write on this. You should never hesitate to say sorry to someone who you cannot afford to loose and am sure that this one word can do wonders and put things even in a better place but make sure you don’t repeat your mistakes and make use of this word over and over again. If you have ever done something which made you part ways with your best buddies, go ahead and apologise. It’s never too late to admit your mistakes and make a way for a healthier bond. It’s never to late to tell someone that you still care.
Imagine a friend who knows you in and out but has never been judgmental even when you were not in talking terms, the two of you never said a word against each other and never spill the deep dark secrets. This simply means that the two of us always valued our bond but it was very stupid of us to give importance to issues which were never above our friendship. Now that we have matured with time, we understand things and each other better. Thought umpteen number times to just say that one word but every time something pulled me back but yesterday I decided without caring how she would react because I somewhere had a belief that she will understand and there’re chances of things getting better between us. You can never undo few things but if you’re willing then mistakes can always be repaired.
Am glad I found my friend back after so many years with that one magical word ‘Sorry’. We were friends since three. Shared almost everything and by everything, I mean everything. We have memories from playing with Barbie dolls to the teenage blunders :D saving each other from our respective moms and seeking each other’s advice in every little thing.
Some days we fought and some days we played. Still the best of friends we have stayed. I realised one thing about our friendship, we’re inseparable! : )
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