About Me
- Astha Mehta
- I love spending a lot of time with myself and to me, the best places to hang around with friends are coffee-shops. yes, am addicted to chai and coffee. Four things I can't do without- Dreams, Hopes, a sound sleep nd positivity around ! :)offcourse, they can't replace family and friends :) Despite all the good the world seems to offer, true happiness can only be found in one thing - Shopping!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy New Year :)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
A weekend well spent : )
Another book I read – Life is What You Make it. This book is based on real life experiences. It’s a story of courage, determination and growing up. It’s a tale of a girl called Ankita who was young, smart and good-looking and had tonnes of friends and boys swooing over her. She managed to get into the very prestigious institutes for her graduation as well as post-graduation. But before she could finish her B-School, she landed herself in a mental hospital. How it would be for someone who had been so popular and now, made two suicide attempts, planned to drop out of the B-school after being a topper for one semester. It’s a story of how the time spent in the Mental Hospital helped her discover herself and bounce back to life even harder when there she absolutely had no hope to ever be normal. Life cruelly and coldly snatched things that meant a lot to her but she gave it all a good fight. All this was possible only because she decided to do it. Mental health issues are still a great taboo especially in India. This girl suffered from Bipolar Disorder which is a serious brain disorder that causes dramatic shifts in moods, energy levels, attitudes and ability to carry out everyday tasks. It is usually hard to diagnose. The change in personality alters between ‘high episode’ and ‘low episode’. In high episode, there’s huge increase in your goal directed activities and the person is usually restless and needs very little sleep but does all tasks in a perfect manner whereas in the low episode, there’s an increasing feeling of worthlessness or emptiness leading to suicide attempts. For more information, you can log on to the website of National Institute of Mental Health – http://www.nimh.nih.gov
When we have a tooth-ache, we visit a dentist then why are people with mental disorders called ‘crazy’ or lunatics. This can happen to anyone you know. Would you add to their misery by called them a lunatic?
Have a happy monday : )
Love! xx
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Bubblegums and Candies ! :)
Now, I'll start with some other book : )
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Pamper Yourself !
Friday, November 4, 2011
Smile : )
Thursday, October 27, 2011
what next after Diwali? Christmas? No, it's exam time ;)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Let's spread happiness this Diwali !
Friday, September 16, 2011
Make your life Rich : )

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Friends make everything okay : )

Hey! Everyone,
Belated Friendship day wishes to all : ) Hope all of you enjoyed with your besties. To me, mother’s day and friendship day is the same : ) cos no one in this world can understand you more than your own parents. Speaking to them just takes away all the worries. Sometimes all we need is a peace of mind. Infact this is something we need all the time : ) I’m one of those people to whom it matters more than anything else on this earth. People around are so unpredictable. Even years pass by and you still can’t make out if they actually value you as a friend or call you a friend for namesake. They don’t prefer talking about the problem so that things get sorted out but they talk about you, behind your back. Some people really need to get a life. But one has to accept that you can’t please everyone and you should not even try. People would say what they want to and would react the way they like, you can’t teach them the right way so why even bother and mess up your peace of mind. All that matters to you in the end is the family by your side and few adorable friends who would stand by you no matter what. I guess as we mature, we don’t make friends easily because we become so choosy and compare them to our old friends and old is gold : ) I’m very lucky to have some lovely school friends (Ridhi-Sidhi and Swati) who still would go an extra mile to see me smile and I’m glad at least I have one such friend in class who understands me and always supports me – Amrita Rana. I can confide in her and I absolutely love her lectures on how to ignore the mess around us and the people too : ) who deserve no attention. Finally I have decided I’m going to make use of her precious lectures : ) and another friend for whom I just don’t have words is Urdhvi – a gem of a person. I seriously don’t know what I did to get a friend like you : ) When things go wrong, coincidently it happens at the same time with both of us and then how we assure each other that things do get okay in the end : )
Monday, April 4, 2011
Be happy for no reason :)

I know off late I have been quite lazy to update my blog but there was something or the other keeping me occupied and now exams are knocking on my door. The perfect thing to write on in between exams would be being happy for no reason. We all would agree that sometimes we're happy for no reason. I guess, the same reason would follow like the way we’re sad for no reason at times. You can be happy so long as you make a choice to be happy.
Happiness cannot be defined, you can just feel it. Don’t depend on this world to make you happy. Do what your heart says is right. Little things make us happy – a movie with friends, a cup of coffee, shopping, a phone-conversation with your best-friend, hearing from a long-lost friend and so on. What might give me unending happiness might not mean anything to someone else. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives but none about his or her own. Do you really want to waste time thinking about such people and let your few minutes of happiness slip away? Ignore the ones who hate you, they are the confused people trying to figure out why so many people like you.
What would make us happy – a fulfilling career, financial stability, a loving family and their support, a partner to share all the life with and a few precious friends. But I have seen people who have everything but are still not happy. That’s because happiness comes from within. You’ve to delve for happiness within yourself. Before loving anyone else in this world, you have to love yourself.
Things go wrong in everyone’s life but the real hero is the one who accepts it as a part of life and doesn’t stop smiling. There’re obstacles in everyone’s life but the question is how do you handle them? Who handles them the best, survives and life is all about the survival of the fittest. We never lose hope because none of us know what will happen the next minute but we still live, why? Because we have faith, we have trust!
Follow your dreams, don’t let them follow you : ) Make today the happiest day of your life. The day you won’t have the fear of failure would be the day all your dreams will come true. Move towards your dreams as if you’ll never fail and if you still do, get up and start walking again. Do not attach your happiness to things, set yourself free.
Happy Navratras to all of you ! : )
Friday, March 11, 2011
The word ‘Sorry’ is simply magical!

This word created magic and some happy moments for me so I decided to write on this. You should never hesitate to say sorry to someone who you cannot afford to loose and am sure that this one word can do wonders and put things even in a better place but make sure you don’t repeat your mistakes and make use of this word over and over again. If you have ever done something which made you part ways with your best buddies, go ahead and apologise. It’s never too late to admit your mistakes and make a way for a healthier bond. It’s never to late to tell someone that you still care.
Imagine a friend who knows you in and out but has never been judgmental even when you were not in talking terms, the two of you never said a word against each other and never spill the deep dark secrets. This simply means that the two of us always valued our bond but it was very stupid of us to give importance to issues which were never above our friendship. Now that we have matured with time, we understand things and each other better. Thought umpteen number times to just say that one word but every time something pulled me back but yesterday I decided without caring how she would react because I somewhere had a belief that she will understand and there’re chances of things getting better between us. You can never undo few things but if you’re willing then mistakes can always be repaired.
Am glad I found my friend back after so many years with that one magical word ‘Sorry’. We were friends since three. Shared almost everything and by everything, I mean everything. We have memories from playing with Barbie dolls to the teenage blunders :D saving each other from our respective moms and seeking each other’s advice in every little thing.
Some days we fought and some days we played. Still the best of friends we have stayed. I realised one thing about our friendship, we’re inseparable! : )
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Women's Day to all the lovely ladies ! :)

You can do almost anything you put your mind to
You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak
Be a doctor or fly a plane
You can face adversity and still walk tall : )
You are a house-maker
You are a care-taker
You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say!
Today is yours and so is ever other day!
Happy women’s day to all the lovely ladies!
Women’s day was first celebrated in the year 1911 but celebrating it isn’t enough. You should respect women. She isn’t perfect and she can never be because she’s human but she’s special, you cannot do without her. I’m not denying the fact that a man has no responsibilities but there’s something special about being a woman which only a woman can feel and am proud to be a woman. Two halves make a whole but it’s the woman who teaches a man what loving, sharing and caring is all about. Indeed a woman’s essence lies in her innate ability to care, love and sacrifice for the other. She plays an all-enveloping character of a mother, daughter, wife and sister as a friend, nurturer, guide and partner from time to time. She displays a wonderful range of emotions from being patient to being extremely courageous when time demands. Sometimes erratic, sometimes serene but beautiful all the time, that’s how a woman is.
Women are never silent. Their beauty is forever speaking for them. No woman is ugly simply because she carries a heart of a woman. It’s not tough for a woman to be a mother, wife, sister and a daughter and do justice to all the relationships at the same time. This is something inherent, she values relationships because of the most important role she plays in her life – the role of a mother. She is the architect of the society.
Whatever we do, we do it with grace, style, warmth & smile. A woman with the proper use of her brain can easily jumble the brain of any man ! : )
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine’s Day : )

My last valentine’s day was perfect and I fell in love with my Valentine at first sight, right from the day I was born and that’s my Mom. She took me out for a nice lunch and we shopped like crazy. Mom, I am going to miss you a lot tomorrow and would be for a change attending classes and facebooking on this day of love.
I don’t understand when people say, Oh! You don’t have a boyfriend so you won’t be doing anything on this very day. It’s Valentine’s Day and is suppose to be celebrated with people we love and that includes our siblings, our parents and friends too! Though obviously a day in a year is too less to show how much you care. What counts is how you’ve treated them round the year. Every day is a day to show that few people mean a lot to you and you would always stand by them, no matter what the circumstances are. I find Valentine’s Day no different than a Friendship Day. The basis of every relationship is a strong bond of friendship which comes from understanding each other, be it mother-daughter, father-daughter or brother-sister. Why moms are called best friends? Because they never Judge you by your actions or words, they just trust you. You would never find a more patient listener than your parents. They stand by you even when the world has turned against you. Blood bonds are the strongest bonds : ) and perfect people with whom you can celebrate this day of love ! : )
Happy Valentine’s Day to all !
May this Day be the best ever !
Those who’re single and not ready to mingle, you deserve to treat yourself. Go out and have fun. Make yourself feel special and thank god for everything you have!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Taken from - Why men lie and why women cry?
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A perfect man - perfect fiction !

- Sense of humour: Life’s getting tougher and you need a good laugh to relieve your stress.
- Good-looks: We say, looks don’t matter but the man should be good enough to make us fall for him without the looks.
- Intelligence: You need it the most. It would be tough to spend your life with someone dumb and there’re chances of your children also being dumb. Jokes apart - Intellectual compatibility matters. You got to think about your future as well.
- Honest: without honesty, you can’t survive in a relationship.
- Financially stable: There’s an age old adage - Money talks honey but it doesn't do all the talking and isn't everything.
- Caring: life’s all about sharing and caring.
- Loving: love doesn’t make the world go round, it just makes the ride worthwhile.
- Sensitive to our feelings
- supportive and Understanding
- Goal-oriented: that’s going to make your guy a man
- don’t complain: it’s something that you should leave on us.
- open-minded and practical
- not possessive: may be, sometimes you can
- Responsible: act according to your age. Being serious and looking at the brighter side of the life are two different things.
- Good to his mother – The guy who isn’t good to his mother can certainly not be my man. If he doesn’t love and respect the woman who brought him into this world then he can never love his wife.