Yes, there’s a secret recipe to everything you want – some secret ingredients. What we miss in the recipe is empowering and sharing with others. Share it because everyone in this world absolutely deserves every joy they imagine. Your thoughts become things. Think about things you want and not about the ones you don’t. You get whatever you focus on. If you focus on something with passion, you get it even faster. You are a magnet. You can attract things so attract happiness. You are the masterpiece of your own thoughts. Never complain. Never ever say I wish I had a big house like them. Ask for what makes you happy, not what others have. Comparison would always lead to disappointment. Be happy with yourself because if you cannot love yourself, nobody else ever will. Feel the joy around you. Feel the love around you even if it’s not there. Do anything that makes you happy. My funda like I always say – One life then why think twice before pampering yourself.
It depends on you as to how effectively you use the secret. You will only understand the power that exists within you once you follow it. It’s like every time you ask for something, the Universe says – Your wish is my command : ) and next time when you say I doubt if it will ever happen or I cannot do it. The Universe again says – Your wish is my command and you never get it. Your thoughts are the reason why it didn’t happen.
There are three steps:
- ASK what you want? Make sure it is in the present tense. Don’t complicate things. Life is pretty simple so let it be simple : ) Don’t worry about how you will achieve it. First be sure of what you want. Once you know what you want, the work is half done.
- ANSWER by the Universe. Universe decides to give it to you. There are no such things as accidents in life. It’s all designed so leave it on Universe.
- RECEIVE – Bring yourself in alignment with what you are asking for. The way you feel is everything. Make sure you don’t sleep over opportunities.
Get Going : ) Universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. You will see the miracle in progress. Take the first step into faith. You don’t see the whole stair-case. You just need the first step and you know you would be where you wanted to be. There are no rules with Universe. You want it now – You get it now. All we are is the result of our thoughts. Feel grateful for what you have. Appreciate people and you would see that they turn out to be even better than you expected. All you got to do is VISUALIZE and things will MATERIALIZE. Dwell upon the end result. Feel the joy and happiness, no matter how silly it seems. What this power is, I have no idea. All I know is that it lives somewhere within you. At least, I get things when I want them badly : ) Universe isn’t partial and am blessed : ) Touchwood*
Imagination is everything. Trust your thoughts and act on them. Be clear about what you want from the catalogue of Universe. Never say things like I cannot do it, I will not be able to do it, he/she will not let me do it, I cannot afford to.
Being wealthy would bring happiness. Wealth is a mind-set. It is not about just having lots of money or being financially secure. Its about having things like perfect health, incredible relationships, a career we love, stability, a life filled with love and lots of happiness. Life of our dreams is always closer than what we think but we need to have faith. Trust yourself and see the magic :) Free yourself from the clutches. You are the only one who creates your reality. If you aren’t well, never ever say I cannot get better. Say – There’s nothing in this world that can stop me to get better. I have to live for my loved ones. They need me. There’s something called self-healing. Let the power within you fight. There are two things you can do when you are sick – Feel painful and Feel hopeful. Choice is yours : ) because ultimately man becomes what he thinks about.
Tell yourself that there’s more than enough good around you, enough love and joy around you. See it. Believe it. It will show itself. Put in your best efforts.
God is the energy that exists in the Universe – cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. All we have is faith that something exists upon which everything rests. No one has ever seen God or energy. It’s the faith that keeps us going.
Whatever your past ‘was’. Let is be ‘was’ and not effect your present or future. You have had a bad childhood or survived a financial crisis or bad health or have been unemployed for years – let that rest in past. The question is what you are going to do now? You can begin from wherever you are. Everything will start getting better from this moment. Never say – I can’t : ) Delete these words from the dictionary of your life. Make your own dictionary with things like hope, love, happiness, joy. Tell yourself - When the others can, why can’t I? I am smart, talented and beautiful. Beauty is not just about looks. Had it been just about looking beautiful then only good-looking people would have been impressive but that’s not the case. We are unlimited beings. Our talent and hard work has no limits. God has not written your purpose or mission in life. Ask yourself – what is your purpose? Set you goals. Act upon them. If it ain’t fun then don’t do it. Do things that you love – don’t hold yourself back. Do what gives you joy. Life is phenomenal. It’s a magnificent trip. I see a future of unbound potential and possibilities.
Understand the secret. Monitor your thoughts. Think positive always. You are here because you wanted to be in this world. Dream your plans and then plan your dreams. Sustain your very existence.
Feel Good : )
Have a good day! Use the secret : ) Love yourself. Remember – you are a star. You got to shine.
Have a happy week ahead :)
Love! xoxo