I know off late I have been quite lazy to update my blog but there was something or the other keeping me occupied and now exams are knocking on my door. The perfect thing to write on in between exams would be being happy for no reason. We all would agree that sometimes we're happy for no reason. I guess, the same reason would follow like the way we’re sad for no reason at times. You can be happy so long as you make a choice to be happy.
Happiness cannot be defined, you can just feel it. Don’t depend on this world to make you happy. Do what your heart says is right. Little things make us happy – a movie with friends, a cup of coffee, shopping, a phone-conversation with your best-friend, hearing from a long-lost friend and so on. What might give me unending happiness might not mean anything to someone else. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives but none about his or her own. Do you really want to waste time thinking about such people and let your few minutes of happiness slip away? Ignore the ones who hate you, they are the confused people trying to figure out why so many people like you.
What would make us happy – a fulfilling career, financial stability, a loving family and their support, a partner to share all the life with and a few precious friends. But I have seen people who have everything but are still not happy. That’s because happiness comes from within. You’ve to delve for happiness within yourself. Before loving anyone else in this world, you have to love yourself.
Things go wrong in everyone’s life but the real hero is the one who accepts it as a part of life and doesn’t stop smiling. There’re obstacles in everyone’s life but the question is how do you handle them? Who handles them the best, survives and life is all about the survival of the fittest. We never lose hope because none of us know what will happen the next minute but we still live, why? Because we have faith, we have trust!
Follow your dreams, don’t let them follow you : ) Make today the happiest day of your life. The day you won’t have the fear of failure would be the day all your dreams will come true. Move towards your dreams as if you’ll never fail and if you still do, get up and start walking again. Do not attach your happiness to things, set yourself free.
Happy Navratras to all of you ! : )